Beta Testing
MakoBoard is a self-hosted web software similar to WordPress that allow you to host your own dashboard displaying whatever you want. Here we'll show you how to get started using it.
1. Install MakoBoard on a subdomain is recommended so you don't distrub current operations or systems. An example is: https://mako.example.com/
You do have the abilit to install it on a subdirectory as well without a problem, example: https://www.example.com/mako/
2. We recommend linux Ubuntu, Debian, or Cent OS operating systems to deploy Mako to.
3. PHP 8.2+ and MYSQL 8.0+ are required.
MakoBoard is currently in beta testing, join the newsletter mailing list if you are interested in getting an update when we launch (May 2024)
Quick Look
Here is a quick look at what MakoBoard is capable of: